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Adjectival synthetic compounds may be formed on the basis of an adposition, a noun and the suffix -sk. An example is útlânsk out-land-SUFF foreign.


Synthetic adjectival compounds may be derived on the basis of an adposition, a noun and the suffix -sk. As with the suffix -sk which pops up after simplex bases, it has a variant -s, which actually occurs more often than full-sk itself. The same development, probably under Dutch influence, can be observed when the suffix -sk has a simple base.

Here are some examples illustrating the pattern:

Table 1
adposition noun suffix synthetic compound
binnen inside hûs house -sk binnenhûsk being inside the house, internal
boppe above hân hand -sk boppehânsk with the upper arm
foar for skoalle school -sk foarskoalsk pre-school
yn in lân land -sk ynlânsk inland, interior
oer over see sea -sk oerseesk oversea
ôf off lân land -sk ôflânsk offshore
ûnder under grûn ground -sk ûndergrûnsk underground
út out lân land -sk útlânsk foreign

The synthetic compounds often refer to a location, but temporal and instrumental meanings also occur.

The stress varies. ynlânsk inland en útlânsk foreign have stress on the first member, whereas oerseesk oversea en ûndergrûnsk underground have it on the second one.

It should be noted that some of these complex adjectives may actually have been derived from adverbs with a phrasal base by way of the suffix -s, to which in adjectival use an additional /k/ is added on analogical grounds. An example might be an oerhoekske dammer someone playing the international variant of draughts, in which the adverb oerhoeks is used as an adjective, apparently so with the adjectival suffix -sk.

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